Opposite me sitting in the
Wall Street Café
Two men wearing crisp, blue
New York City police uniforms,
Chests covered in brilliant
badges and awards,
Hats and walkie-talkies
strewn on their table
Paying devoted attention to
their smart phones,
Playing games, Men at War
or Urban Combat,
Comparing their virtual victories,
Not paying noticeable
attention to the patrons
When a pair of rogues
walked in and
Looked the place over
From the cash register in
To the exit sign on the
back wall.
Their eyes stopped roving
When they reached the men
In crisp blue uniforms.
They turned to each other
And without speaking, left
Through the door they had
come in.
After five minutes, the
officers finished
Their games, bought coffee
to go
And having done their duty,
Departed through the same