Just published, Book III

SEA GLASS SOUL - Invisible Colors, Poems and Paintings

My poetry and Pat Morgan's art - available at,
The Sea Glass Poetry Trilogy is now complete.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


                                                           There are times I
Feel like a snail.
If you look
For me and fail,
It’s likely because
My tiny nose
Only comes up to
The top of your toes.

Although we can’t
Walk together
We could talk together
Sharing a story
Or two about how
You once felt blue,
How you wept and wept
Over secrets poorly kept.

You should know this,
I have a hard shell,
I know not to gossip,
I simply won’t tell.
I come from a family of
Honorable snails
Who won’t ever share,
Other people’s tales.

more poetry at

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