Just published, Book III

SEA GLASS SOUL - Invisible Colors, Poems and Paintings

My poetry and Pat Morgan's art - available at,
The Sea Glass Poetry Trilogy is now complete.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Watercolor by Pat Morgan

Clams on the half shell             
Served raw,
Eviscerated crabs
Minus a claw.

Lobsters on special
With kelp slaw,
Salty drinks, but no
Fruit or straw.

Gulls feasting
Without pity,
I'll take dining
In the big city.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


                                                All my life
I have celebrated
July, my birth month.
Now, I realize,
I should have reveled
In October with its potbellied
Pumpkins and chilly nights.

I imagine one evening,
My mother climbed the stairs
To her bedroom,
Shed her day clothes,
Donned a soft blue nightgown
Studied her face in the mirror, sighed
Over new lines above her brow
And slid into her side of the bed
She shared with my father.

He was not asleep
Although probably tired
From working late at the store.
Maybe simply to subdue
The feel of autumn in the air,
They came together
And were warm in each other's arms.
Something spectacular happened
That, months later, they would try to recall
What night this was.

That was my night.
I can’t conceive
A more important time,
Greater even than my birthday,
That October night
And those magnificent moments
Of parental embrace.

Fireworks and canon volley,
Tell the world.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Lone survivor,
His multitudes of men,
Chariots and horses
All drowned,
Sits alone
On his gold, jeweled throne
The morning following
His defeat, robe and hair
Still damp with saltwater.
“Where is everyone?”
The chamber is deathly still.
“Where is Moses?”
The walls remain silent.
“My slaves. What’s
Happened to my slaves?”
The crickets in the corner
Do not answer.
“Where is Moses’ God?
Tell him to show his face.”
The invisible God
Does not respond.
“Wasn’t ten plagues enough?”
No answer.
“Am I to be alone till I die?”

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I’m pregnant.

   Professor, you’re not pregnant.

I think my assistant is.

   How do you know?

She’s acting funny.

   Have you asked her?

No, I’m embarrassed.


I told her I didn’t need protection at my age.

   What were you doing in high school Biology, writing poetry?

I was writing poetry in the library when we met
And she liked what she saw.

   You or the poetry?

We went out for coffee and she invited me to her place.

   So you had to go?

I did.

   Have you ever heard of being careful at your age?

I don’t want to be.  You know how lonely I’ve been.

   You’re 65.  She’s in her 30’s.
   What are you going to do?

I’m going to ask her.

   Ask her if she’s pregnant?

No, if she’ll marry me.

   Think she’ll say yes?

I’ll ask her in a poem.
One that doesn’t rhyme.